About Us

Welcome to Infosys Careers for Experienced Professionals As a leading provider of next-generation consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions, we are dedicated to helping organizations in over 46 countries to renew their core and simultaneously innovate into new frontiers. Whilst we constantly challenge convention, some things remain unchanged: the unwavering ethics, transparency and respect behind everything we do. We will always be a company powered by intellect and driven by values. So, if your passion is to build solutions that really make a difference to enterprises, the community and your world, Infosys is the right place for you. For more information about Infosys or career opportunities please visit us @ www.infosys.com Infosys is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, spouse of protected veteran, or disability. Please click on the Know Your Rights and Pay Transparancy Act and IER Right to Work Document Infosys will endeavor to make a reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of a qualified applicant with a disability unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of our business. If you believe you require such assistance to complete this form or to participate in an interview, please contact us at Infy_REC_Helpdesk@infosys.com or call +1-866-472-0935 between 9:00 AM EST to 5:00 PM EST Monday to Friday.